Below are some of the best design tips we could find that would highlight what you need to do for 2020 and new ideas you could add to your space.
Let us know what you think of our own budget friendly design tips as well! Post your comments!…
Below are some of the best design tips we could find that would highlight what you need to do for 2020 and new ideas you could add to your space.
Let us know what you think of our own budget friendly design tips as well! Post your comments!…
How can you make the most out of your Dinner Party during the holidays while still being able to enjoy it and not stress it?
Its the holidays and you are thinking of having a party or a big dinner with many people invited.
That is actually a good idea and many people will enjoy their time but will you ? Knowing that you have to prepare the food, cook, mingle with the guests, clean, and still be able to hold your alcohol?
Here are some tips that will help you enjoy your dinner and make the most out of this dinner party:
1. Plan at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Yes that means, getting the food, sending these dinner invites, buying the necessary alcohol and setting up that Xmas or decoration that you will need for this dinner party.
Only when you plan ahead of time will you realize if you are missing details an if you need to run around and get it from somewhere. What is best to do is to put down a list of guests that will be attending the party, if they have any food reservations and then write down the menu. This includes the appetizers, the main dishes, drinks including alcohol and non alcohol and yes the so difficult one the dessert as well.
Send all the invites to the guests and find out how many people will actually attend the party.
2. Buy the necessary item on the list you have on number 1. Store them in the freezer so you can rest assured that it is available. Only leave the vegetables to the last minute. That way you can also grab all items that you forgot about last minute.
3. Clean your place a few days ahead of time. If you will be doing the cleaning then that’s fine but if you plan on hiring maids to do the house cleaning service then you would need to book these cleaning companies ahead of time especially that most of them will be booked during the holidays.
4. Plan the music in the party. This means you need to have a playlist arranged so that your guests can have fun and you wont have to worry about music anymore during the party. Songs will play on and on for hours.
5. Put up the party decorations after the cleaning has been completed. It is necessary to see how the place will look like the days before so you can plan to buy anything that is missing from your theme party.
6. Marinate all the food needed a few days before and have a plan on when the food preparations will start prior to the party and the day of the party. For example, when will you put that chicken in the oven… If you are buying dessert or making it then it needs to be done before the night before the party and in the fridge.
7. Most important, the day of the party, dont stress it, enjoy have fun and if all is planned then it should not be an issue to relax and even get some help from some people around. After all, it is supposed to be a time to enjoy.
8. After the party, make …
House cleaning can be a very tedious and in some cases a complicated task to get it all done without loosing your whole weekend. We all would love to have a spotless house all the time, yet that takes effort and work and we cant afford that a lot of the time.
Well, don’t worry, we took it upon ourselves to get you the best info from the best maid who works for a renounced best cleaning service maid company in Montreal and here are some things that she has recommended to help make this task easier and less time consuming.
The Kitchen Cleaning
Start always with the appliances so that any dirt can fall to the floor and can be scooped up when the floor cleaning starts. Move in circular around the kitchen and use hot water to remove grease. Always soak the pans and any tough grease first while you finish some of the cleaning and get back to it and finalize the cleaning of them
the Sink: To sanitize the sink, use a safe, green disinfectant that can be harmless if it gets close to food. If your sink is stainless steel, you can use a toothbrush for the corners and spray at the end with mineral oil to prevent water buildup and deters mold.
Stuck on Food:: Apply baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe on machines to remove stuck-on food. another trick is to spray over night with vinegar and let it soak.
Disinfect the garbage cans: To get rid of smelly cans and odors put some lemon, vinegar and spray the can with a disinfectant. You can also try some other harsher chemicals since this is not mandatory to be a safe product.
Use proper Floor cleaner: Use ma good wood cleaner is you are cleaning wood floors. You want something that is safe and wont harm wood. If you are cleaning carpet, then use some arm&hammer and vacuum the floor after that.
Use a Cloth: Use a cloth for dusting, you’ll be surprised how much dirt it will remove versus just a towel or a dust cleaner cloth. Also its reusable and wont cost a fortune.
Bathroom Cleaning
Soak the Shower Glass: Try some glass treatments to keep soapy scum off the glass and to protect it during the week. Some products also claim to rinse that off immediately which is not the case. Most of the time scrubbing will be needed.
Rinse the Toilet: Always rinse the dirt off the toilet and clean around edges and corners. The dirt accumulates a lot on corners and wiping alone might not always be the best cleaning solution.
Occasional Cleaning: While the kids are studying, try going into the washroom and wipe clean the sink, the tub, the glass door, toilet and mirrors.
Store items away: Store all items inside to have clarity and focus when cleaning. Clutter always looks horrible and a house appears cleaner when clutter is fixed.
Make the Bed: Always make the bed first so that the bedroom looks neat, if you need to change the cheats then even better to create a nice crispy clean effect.
De clutter The Space: Get rid of …